Minimal widgets for Dynamic Island and lock screen

Unlock the full potential of your Dynamic Island and lock screen.

Dynamic Island widget on iPhones
Dynamic Island widget on iPhones
Dynamic Island widget on iPhones

These widgets are designed to provide useful information on your Dynamic Island and lock screen in a minimalist style.

We developed this product in collaboration with Lokki, one of the best Widgy creators we know.

Each set includes a default widget that appears on your lock screen. It also features an expanded widget that appears when you press and hold your Dynamic Island. Additionally, there are two minimal widgets that display on the left and right sides of the Dynamic Island.

Calendar Set

Below, you can see this week's calendar as a live activity on the lock screen.

The day and date are displayed on the dynamic island. When you press and hold, you can view this week's calendar.

Calendar live activity and dynamic island widget on iPhones

Agenda Set

Below, you can see the next two upcoming events displayed as a live activity on the lock screen.

The calendar icon and the start time of the next event are displayed on the dynamic island. Press and hold to view more details about the next two upcoming events.

Agenda live activity and Dynamic Island widget on iPhones

Progress Set

Below, you can see this year's progress as a live activity on the lock screen.

The progress icon and the percentage of the year that has passed are displayed on the dynamic island. When you press and hold, you can see more details, such as the progress bar and the number of days that have passed.

This set also includes variations to view your monthly progress on both the dynamic island and the lock screen.

Yearly progress live activity and dynamic widget on iPhones

Weather Set

Below, you can see the current weather conditions as a live activity on the lock screen.

The weather icon and temperature are displayed on the dynamic island. Press and hold to learn more about the upcoming weather conditions for the next few hours.

Weather live activity and dynamic island widget on iPhones

Final Notes

These widgets are compatible with iPhones that have Dynamic Island, starting from the iPhone 14 Pro and newer models.

To use these widgets, you need the Live Activity and Dynamic Island slots in the Widgy app.

We hope these dynamic widgets bring useful information to your phone while minimizing the need to open apps or unlock your phone unnecessarily!

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Want to achieve a minimalist iPhone?

Our collection of icons and widgets will help you transform your phone into a clean, minimalist device.

Want to achieve a minimalist iPhone?

Our collection of icons and widgets will help you transform your phone into a clean, minimalist device.

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