How to change folder icons on Mac

Learn how to use custom icons for your Mac desktop folders.

Mac original desktop folder icons and custom folder icons
Mac original desktop folder icons and custom folder icons
Mac original desktop folder icons and custom folder icons

When you have countless folders on your Mac, finding the right one can be a hassle.

Or maybe you just want them to match your aesthetic.

Custom icons are the solution, and it’s surprisingly quick and easy in just two simple steps.

Step 1: Get Info on a Folder

Right-click the folder you want to update and select Get Info.

Right-click on the desktop folder on your Mac

Step 2: Drag and Drop the New Icon

Once the info window opens, drag and drop your new icon onto the existing one.

Alternatively, you can copy the custom icon to your clipboard, click on the default folder icon in the Get Info window and paste it.

Get Info window for a folder on Mac

Then simply repeat steps 1 and 2 for as many folders as you like.

If you don’t have custom icons yet, check out this folder pack designed to make file organization both clean and intuitive. The centered icons help you instantly recognize each folder at a glance.

Take a look below!

Custom folder icons in Mac Finder

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