How to stay focused without deleting social media

8 strategies you can start today to avoid social media distractions.

Remove apps from the iPhone home screen.
Remove apps from the iPhone home screen.
Remove apps from the iPhone home screen.

You likely use social media for good in some way, whether to find inspiration, build connections, or grow your personal brand.

But you also recognize the traps of social media and want to avoid addiction.

While deleting social media entirely would be the most straightforward solution, those who prefer a less extreme approach can try these strategies starting today.

1. Track your screen time

Turn on screen time tracking in your device settings, which comes as a built-in feature on most devices.

Then, make it a habit to check your report weekly or monthly.

Awareness is the first step.

]Screen Time feature in iPhone settings

2. Set screen time limits

Using the screen time feature, set daily time limits for specific apps or app categories to better manage your usage.

Don't impose strict limits on yourself all at once.

Gradually ease into screen time restrictions and slowly reduce your screen time over time.

Screen time limits in iPhone settings

3. Turn off notifications

Turn off notifications for social media and other non-essential apps.

Most notifications are unimportant, and some even create a false sense of urgency.

An easier way to think about it is to turn off notifications by default and only enable essential ones.

App notification in iPhone settings

4. Use app blockers

Use an app like One Sec to create a pause before opening social media apps.

Most people would admit that they habitually open social media apps when they're bored. I’m guilty of this myself.

This brief delay gives you a chance to reconsider and has saved me from mindless scrolling countless times.

One Sec app on iPhone

5. Turn on greyscale mode

Create a shortcut to turn on and off your device's greyscale filter.

This allows you to keep your phone in greyscale mode by default, making social media less colorful and engaging.

Greyscale filter on the iPhone

6. Keep your phone out of sight

Our habit of checking our phones can be minimized by simply removing them from our room or keeping them tucked away in a bag or drawer.

As James Clear, author of Atomic Habits, argues, environment matters more than motivation.

Remove environmental cues for bad habits and redesign your environment for positive ones.

7. Remove social media apps from your home screen

Similar to our physical environment design, the design of your phone home screen matters.

If social media apps are on your first page or in your dock, you're more likely to open them.

On iOS, you can remove apps from the home screen and keep them only in the App Library, while Android users have similar options to keep apps in the App Drawer.

Remove apps from the iPhone home screen.

8. Replace your leisure activities

Replace social media with more meaningful leisure activities like reading, journaling, or walking.

The key is to choose an activity that is just as accessible as picking up your phone.

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